Commercial Property in Southampton, Hampshire
Track down the most suitable place for your business in Southampton by using the Cityvisitor directory of commercial property. Whether you´re seeking a new office, shop, retail outlet, warehouse or storage unit, there´s plenty to be had in Southampton and the secret is knowing where to look. Begin your search here and we´ll point in the direction of the best premises for your business with these companies. Here you´ll also find Commercial Property Agents, Commercial Property Valuation. Don't be confused by the many Southampton businesses with Commercial Property on offer, let Cityvisitor for Southampton point you in the right direction for Commercial Property in Southampton with this guide to the best Southampton businesses available.
Prestige Apartments Letting Company Ltd
82-84 Shirley Road, Southampton, SO15 3EY 023 80634985
Martin & Co (Southampton West) Letting Agent
383 Shirley Road, Southampton, SO15 3JD 023 80988881
Savills L & P Ltd
Brunswick House 8-13 Brunswick Place, Southampton, SO15 2AP 023 80713990
Enfields Property Services
51 London Road, Southampton, SO15 2AD 023 80828080
Harcourts Letting Agents
11 Kings Park Road, Southampton, SO15 2AT 023 80637438
Enfield Property Service
417 Shirley Road, Southampton, SO15 3JF 023 80702000
Cryer's Estate Agents
38 Bedford Place, Southampton, SO15 2DG 023 80336565
Marques Property Services
48 London Road, Southampton, SO15 2AH 023 80577777
Chesterton Humberts
Alleyn House, 23-27 Carlton Crrescent, Southampton, SO15 2EU 023 80233303
Connell Estate Agents
409 Shirley Road, Southampton, SO15 3JD 023 80789351
Fox & Sons Estate Agents
32 London Road, Southampton, SO15 2AG 023 80225155
G L Hearn & Partners
2-6 Shirley Road, Southampton, SO15 3EU 023 80221361
Location Estate Agents Ltd
345 Shirley Road, Southampton, SO15 3JD 023 80903980
Aspect Property Solutions Ltd
385 Shirley Road, Southampton, SO15 3JD 023 80787598
Goadsby Estate Agents
54 London Road, Southampton, SO15 2AH 023 80225412
Aspire Estate Agents
411 Shirley Road, Southampton, SO15 3JD 023 80704036
Fox & Sons Auctions
32-34 London Road, Southampton, SO15 2AG 01273 321300
Northwood Southampton Lettings
1 Bellevue Road, Southampton, SO15 2AW 023 80337775
Polygon Property Management
8 Kenilworth Road, Southampton, SO15 2GB 023 80715665
Assured Lettings - Student Houses
95 King Georges Avenue, Southampton, SO15 4JU 023 80787869
Countrywide Residential Lettings Ltd
26 London Road, Southampton, SO15 2SE 023 80330479
Student No Fee Property Agency
9 Carlton Road, Southampton, SO15 2HN 023 80223170
Mann Countrywide Ltd
337 Shirley Road, Southampton, SO15 3JD 023 80789424
Wallace Residential
Winchester House, Carlton Crescent, Southampton, SO15 2EW 023 80715639
Pearsons Southern Ltd
58-60 London Road, Southampton, SO15 2AH 023 80233288
Pearsons Residential Lettings
58-60 London Road, Southampton, SO15 2AH 023 80232909
H B Lacey
Clydesdale House, 11 Cumberland Place, Southampton, SO15 2BH 023 80332244
Personal Homefinders Ltd
Relocation House, 63 High Street, Winchester, SO23 9BX 01962 878887
Lets Rent
20 Portsmouth Road, Woolston, Southampton, SO19 9AB 023 80434448