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Museums in Pinner, Middlesex

Whether you´re a local history buff who wants to learn more about Pinner or are simply looking for somewhere to spend a fun day out - and who knows you might also learn a bit too - now´s the time to get along to your local museum. Museums are no longer the dull places they once were and are now packed with hands on experiences to keep every member of your family entertained, even the very young. For more details about museums in Pinner check out the Cityvisitor directory including Antiquities, Museum. Use these contacts for Museums in Pinner, brought together by the Cityvisitor Pinner directory. Here you'll get the information about Pinner that isn't available on the high street.

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Harrow Museum & Heritage Centre

Headstone Manor, Pinner View, Harrow, HA2 6PX 020 88612626