Primary Schools in Leicester, Leicestershire
For many children primary school is where it all begins and so it´s essential that parents find the best school for their four and five year olds. Alternatively, if you´re moving your child to a school in Leicester you´ll need to know what´s on offer. Check out the Cityvisitor directory of primary schools in Leicester including Primary Education. Use these contacts for Leicester Primary Schools to find the information you need.
Roberts Rose Partnership
10 Peacock Lane, Leicester, LE1 5PX 0116 2515120
Heather Philip Licensed Conveyancing
9 Brook Street, Leicester, LE7 1GD 0116 2608990
Barkby House, 99 Barkby Road, Leicester, LE4 9LG 08452 579760
M Y Home Move
1 Frances Way, Grove Park, Leicester, LE19 1SH 08452 340230
Property Search Plus
Unit 5, The Oak Business Centre 79-93 Ratcliffe Road, Loughborough, LE12 7PU 01509 812953