Drama Schools in Leicester, Leicestershire
If you do or you know of someone who likes acting and wants to take it further, then you will want help in finding a Drama School in Leicester. We can put you in touch with the most suitable Drama School in Leicester which will help you fulfil your acting needs. To find a drama school in Leicester, check out cityvisitor's directory. If you're uncertain where to turn for Drama Schools in Leicester, let this Drama Schools contact information guide to the Leicester business you seek.
Stagecoach Theatre Arts plc
29 Queensmead Close, Leicester, LE6 0YP 0116 2321444
Stage Coach Melton Mowbray
7 Windmill Close, Leicester, LE4 8GX 0116 3191007
Loughborough Theatretrain
Bridge Street, Loughborough, LE11 1NH 01509 889608
Shelby Dance Academy
Selwyn House, 30 Hill Street, Hinckley, LE10 1DT 01455 238003
Hinckley Speech & Drama Studio
Trafford Road, Hinckley, LE10 1LY 01455 230317