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Museums in Hanley, Staffordshire

Whether you´re a local history buff who wants to suss out more about Hanley or are simply looking for somewhere to spend a fun day out - and who knows you might also learn a bit too - now´s the time to get along to your local museum. Museums are no longer the airless places they once were and are now packed with hands on experiences to keep every member of your family entertained, even the very young. For more information about museums in Hanley check out the Cityvisitor directory including Antiquities, Museum. Don't be confused by the many Hanley businesses with Museums on offer, let Cityvisitor for Hanley point you in the right direction for Museums in Hanley with this guide to the best Hanley businesses available.

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Potteries Museum

Bethesda Street, Stoke on trent, ST1 3DW 01782 232323

Dudson Museum

The Dudson Centre, Hope Street, Stoke on trent, ST1 5DD 01782 285286

RSPB Coombes Valley Nature Reserve

Six Oaks Farm, Leek, ST13 7EU 01538 384017

Redfern Cottage Museum Of Uttoxeter Life

34-36 Carter Street, Uttoxeter, ST14 8EU 01889 567176

Amerton Farm & Craft Centre

, Stafford, ST18 0LA 01889 270294

Gladstone Pottery Museum

36 Uttoxeter Road, Stoke on trent, ST3 1PQ 01782 237777

Etruria Industrial Museum

Lower Bedford Street, Stoke on trent, ST4 7AF 01782 233144

Ford Green Hall Museum

Ford Green Hall, Ford Green Road, Stoke on trent, ST6 1NG 01782 233195


Market Place, Stoke on trent, ST6 3DS 01782 832001

National Trust

Shugborough Hall County Museum, Stafford, ST17 0XB 01889 882122

Wedgwood Museum Trust

Wedgwood Drive, Stoke on trent, ST12 9ER 01782 371900

Shugborough Estate

, Stafford, ST17 0XB 01889 881388

Da Engliscan Gesidas The English Companions

Bottom Lane Farm, Leek, ST13 7QL 01538 266440