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Fridge in Dudley, West Midlands

If you want to take advantage of the variety of food deals around and need somewhere to store all your goodies, perhaps it´s time you invested in a new fridge to keep all produce chilled and tasting good. If you are finding it difficult to locate the available here in the Cityvisitor directory of fridges available in Dudley. Here you´ll also find American Fridge, Beer Fridge, Bosch Fridge, Fridges, Hotpoint Fridge. Find what you're looking for in Dudley with the Cityvisitor directory for Dudley Fridge. It's your essential guide to Fridge in Dudley and shows you the services available in Dudley and online.

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Ashford Refrigeration Services

65 York Crescent, Stourbridge, DY8 4RT 01384 394484