Register Office in Bournemouth, Dorset
Some of the most life-changing events in your life take place in and around the registry office. From births and marriages to registering deaths, you´ll need to know where the registry office in Bournemouth is to be found. Use the Cityvisitor site to Bournemouth to find registery offices for everything including Death register, Registrar, Registrar of Birth and Death, Registry. Use these contacts for Bournemouth Registry Office to find the information you need.
Registration Of Births Deaths & Marriages
Town Hall, Bournemouth, BH2 6DY 01202 454945
Registration Of Births Marriages & Deaths
65 Christchurch Road, Ringwood, BH24 1DH 01425 470150
Registration Of Births Deaths & Marriages
Wareham Library, South Street, Wareham, BH20 4LR 01929 554504
Registration Of Births Deaths & Marriages
The Guildhall, Market Street, Poole, BH15 1NB 01202 633744